Step 1. Connect your computer to one of the router’s LAN ports using an Ethernet cable. Open a web browser on your computer, type The following login window will open.
To login, type in the Username and Password found on the label on the bottom of the LTE520 and click Login. (The username is “user” and the password is printed on the label on the bottom of your router.) The web page will log out after 5 minutes of no activity.
Step 2. Click on "Network" > "LTE" in the menu ribbon. Under "APN" replace with the following APN depending on your plan. Then click "Save & Apply"
Blue 400 Plan: broadband
Pink Unlimited Plan: b2b.static
Step 3. Power cycle your device by unplugging it from power, leave unplugged for 30 seconds, then plug back in. Wait 3-5 minutes for it to reboot.