If your experiencing a double NAT or a STRICT NAT while using this device, it is imperative that you first change the operation mode on the Netgear LB1120. This guide will walk you through how to change your Netgear LB1120 into "Bridge Mode" which will eliminate one NAT on your private network. This is assuming that you have a wireless router connected to the Netgear LB1120 that you have your connected devices running through.
Double NAT Fix:
1. Log-in to your Netgear LB1120 using a connected computer or cellphone by opening up a web browser and typing in the IP address which is the same for all Netgear LB1120 models:
2. This will take you to a "Sign-In" page where you'll need to enter the admin password (located on the label on your netgear lb1120). The password is case sensitive so be sure to read it carefully.
3. Once you are logged into your device, you will select "Settings" on the left-hand side of that page.
4. Next you will select the "Advanced" tab and navigate down to where it says "Operation Mode"
5. Select the bubble next to "Bridge", then scroll down to the bottom and hit submit. You'll need to hit submit again on the next screen that pops up.
Your Netgear LB1120 will now re-configure itself and reboot. Once it has come back online, be sure to unplug your wireless router for 45 seconds and then plug it back into power. Once your router is back online and you've re-connected any wireless enabled devices, re-check the NAT. That should of taken you out of a Double NAT, but if it did not, please reference this article as there is not much else we can do our on end with the equipment we supplied you.
Strict NAT Fix:
1. Follow all steps listed above for "Double NAT fix"
2. Sign-up for a VPN service which will assign a static IP for you
3. Work with that VPN service's tech support if you need help configuring your router with the assigned static IP address.
We hope that you find this article useful, but if you do not, please do no hesitate to shoot us an email at support@oliveip.com with any issues/ questions you may have.